So today, we talk about the Anti-HBS test. Why did the doctor advise this test? Also, discuss test details, Price, and probable delivery time according to the Bangladeshi diagnostic center.
What is Anti-HBS?
The Anti-HBs test (Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) is a blood test used to detect antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). Specifically, it measures the presence of antibodies against the Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).
Purpose of the Anti-HBs Test
This test is commonly performed for the following reasons:

1. To Check Immunity to Hepatitis B:
- If you’ve been vaccinated against Hepatitis B, the test checks whether you have developed sufficient immunity.
- It indicates that the body has responded well to the vaccine by producing protective antibodies.
2. To Determine Recovery from Past Infection:
- If you have had a previous Hepatitis B infection, the presence of Anti-HBs antibodies suggests that you’ve cleared the infection and are now immune.
3. Post-Exposure Assessment:
- In cases where there is a potential exposure to HBV (such as a needle-stick injury), the test can be used to determine your immunity status.
4. To Determine the Need for Vaccination:
- If the test shows low or no antibody levels, vaccination or a booster shot may be necessary.
Why a Doctor Might Advise This Test
Checking Vaccine Effectiveness:
- If you have recently been vaccinated or are at high risk for Hepatitis B (e.g., healthcare workers), the doctor may want to confirm that you’ve developed immunity.
Assessment After Infection:
- If you’ve previously had Hepatitis B, the doctor may use this test to see if you’ve cleared the virus and are protected against future infections.
Pre-Surgical Screening:
- Some surgical procedures require knowing your immunity status to prevent transmission risks.
Exposure Concerns:
- If you may have been exposed to HBV through contaminated blood, the doctor may check whether you need further preventive action, such as Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG).
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Results Interpretation
Positive Result:
Indicates immunity due to vaccination or recovery from a past infection.
Negative Result:
Indicates no immunity, suggesting the need for vaccination or further evaluation, especially if there is ongoing exposure risk.
This test is a crucial part of managing and preventing Hepatitis B infection.
Test Price:
Let’s talk about the Anti-HBS test price.
In Bangladesh, anti-HBS test prices may vary from diagnostic to diagnostic.
So we are giving test price rates according to divisional Cities like Dhaka.
You can compare this test rate it may vary slightly.
In the Popular Diagnostic Center Ltd. Dhanmondi costs only 1400 BDT.
But govt. Hospital test rates are cheaper than private hospitals.
It only costs 400 BDT (according to 2020 test rates ).
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Delivery Time:
Let’s talk about the delivery time of this test.
This test in Bangladesh was performed by Vitros 5600, Vitors ECIQ, Alinity I-series, and other various Automated Machines.
However, the Anti-HBS test took almost 1 hour to get the results.
So, It’s possible to get the report within 8 hours.
Some of the Diagnostic Center takes one or two days delivery time in the rural area.
So that’s it for today. I hope it’ll be helpful for you. If it helps you, please don’t forget to share this on social media. Don’t miss any updates from Oviggobd‘s social media page. Hit the like button.
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